Steps to Greatness: A Journey Through the Desert of Possibility

You know those moments when the universe just hands you the perfect metaphor? On New Years Eve I was standing here in the Agafay desert, where these incredible rainbow stairs rise through the haze, and I can't help but think about all of us on our personal growth journeys. This isn't just any stairway – it's a visual story of every step we take toward our dreams.

Truth Talk: Breaking Through Boundaries

Look at those curtains, copper-tinted and dancing in the breeze. Aren't they just like the limitations we place on ourselves? So delicate, yet we treat them like concrete walls. The beautiful thing is, once you reach out and touch them, you realize they're as light as air – ready to be pushed aside.

The Rainbow Road to Possibilities

These colorful steps though? Pure magic. Each one tells a story:

  • That steady blue at the bottom? It's that first brave moment when you decide to trust your instincts

  • The soft pink rising up? That's you learning to embrace your authentic voice

  • That refreshing mint green? The sweetness of renewal when you finally let go of old stories

  • The sunshine yellow? Pure breakthrough energy

(And yes, I'm totally geeking out over this artistic desert installation, but stay with me here!)

Illuminate Your Path

There's this gorgeous antique lantern suspended above the stairs, and it's giving major "light your own way" vibes. Because let's be honest – the path to greatness isn't always well-lit. Sometimes you have to be your own light source, right?

Real Growth, Real Talk

Here's what's hitting different about these desert stairs – they rise right out of the raw earth. No fancy foundation, no elaborate setup. Just like your journey doesn't need perfect conditions to begin. You start where you are, with what you have.

The View from Here

Standing at the base of these stairs, watching them disappear into the desert sky, I'm reminded that greatness isn't some far-off destination. It's in:

  • The courage to take that first step

  • The resilience to keep climbing when things get wobbly

  • The wisdom to pause and look back at how far you've come

  • The generosity to reach back and help others up

Your Next Step Up

Remember: every person who's ever achieved something remarkable started exactly where you are – at the bottom of their own set of stairs, looking up, maybe feeling a mix of excitement and "what am I doing?"

Ready to start climbing?

Share below: What's your next brave step? Which color on your journey's rainbow are you stepping into?


Spiritual Suffocation: A Message for These Times


Shut up and Listen